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4 4 5 Fiscal Calendar

Written by Ban Javo Aug 21, 2022 ยท 3 min read
4 4 5 Fiscal Calendar

If you're in the business world, you've likely heard of the 4-4-5 fiscal calendar. This calendar is a popular method of organizing financial reporting and budgeting for many companies. In this article, we'll take a closer look at what the 4-4-5 fiscal calendar is, how it works, and why it's important.

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2021 445 Fiscal Period Basis Best Calendar Example
2021 445 Fiscal Period Basis Best Calendar Example from

If you're in the business world, you've likely heard of the 4-4-5 fiscal calendar. This calendar is a popular method of organizing financial reporting and budgeting for many companies. In this article, we'll take a closer look at what the 4-4-5 fiscal calendar is, how it works, and why it's important.

What is the 4-4-5 Fiscal Calendar?

The 4-4-5 fiscal calendar is a way of dividing the year into 13 four-week periods. The first four-week period starts on the first Sunday in February, and the last four-week period ends on the last Saturday in January of the following year. This creates three quarters, with each quarter consisting of four periods, and one quarter consisting of five periods.

Why is it Called the 4-4-5 Fiscal Calendar?

The name "4-4-5" refers to the number of weeks in each quarter. The first and second quarters each have four four-week periods, while the third quarter has five four-week periods.

How Does the 4-4-5 Fiscal Calendar Work?

The 4-4-5 fiscal calendar is often used by retailers, as it aligns with their seasonal sales patterns. For example, the first quarter of the calendar starts in February, which is typically a slow sales month for retailers after the holiday season. The second quarter starts in May, which is the start of the summer season when many retailers see an uptick in sales.

Each period in the 4-4-5 fiscal calendar is typically referred to as a "month," even though it is only four weeks long. This can sometimes create confusion, as it differs from the traditional calendar months that most people are used to.

What are the Benefits of Using the 4-4-5 Fiscal Calendar?

One of the main benefits of using the 4-4-5 fiscal calendar is that it helps retailers to more accurately track their sales and expenses. By aligning with seasonal sales patterns, retailers can better plan their budgets and make informed decisions about inventory and staffing.

Another benefit of the 4-4-5 fiscal calendar is that it helps to even out the number of days in each quarter. Traditional calendar quarters can have varying numbers of days, which can make it more difficult to compare financial data year-over-year.

Question and Answer

Q: Is the 4-4-5 fiscal calendar only used by retailers?

A: While the 4-4-5 fiscal calendar is commonly used by retailers, it can be used by any business that wants to align their financial reporting and budgeting with seasonal patterns.

Q: How does the 4-4-5 fiscal calendar affect payroll?

A: The 4-4-5 fiscal calendar typically doesn't affect payroll, as it is just a way of organizing financial reporting and budgeting. However, some companies may choose to align their payroll cycles with the 4-4-5 fiscal calendar for consistency.

Q: Are there any downsides to using the 4-4-5 fiscal calendar?

A: One potential downside of the 4-4-5 fiscal calendar is that it differs from the traditional calendar months that most people are used to. This can sometimes create confusion and make it more difficult to compare financial data with other companies that use a different reporting period.


The 4-4-5 fiscal calendar is a popular method of organizing financial reporting and budgeting for many companies, particularly those in the retail industry. By aligning with seasonal sales patterns, businesses can more accurately track their sales and expenses, and make informed decisions about inventory and staffing. While it may differ from the traditional calendar months, the 4-4-5 fiscal calendar offers many benefits for businesses looking to streamline their financial reporting.

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