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How To Sync Outlook And Google Calendar

Written by Bon Juve Apr 08, 2023 · 2 min read
How To Sync Outlook And Google Calendar

Keeping track of your appointments, meetings, and events is essential for staying organized and on top of your schedule. Two of the most popular calendar tools are Outlook and Google Calendar. While both have their own strengths, it can be frustrating to have to update both calendars manually. Luckily, syncing Outlook and Google Calendar is a straightforward process that can save you time and hassle.

Table of Contents

How to Sync Outlook Calendar with Google Calendar
How to Sync Outlook Calendar with Google Calendar from


Keeping track of your appointments, meetings, and events is essential for staying organized and on top of your schedule. Two of the most popular calendar tools are Outlook and Google Calendar. While both have their own strengths, it can be frustrating to have to update both calendars manually. Luckily, syncing Outlook and Google Calendar is a straightforward process that can save you time and hassle.

Why Sync Outlook and Google Calendar?

Syncing Outlook and Google Calendar allows you to access your events and appointments from any device, regardless of which calendar you used to create them. It also ensures that you don't miss any important meetings or deadlines because you forgot to update one calendar or the other.

How to Sync Outlook and Google Calendar

The process of syncing Outlook and Google Calendar varies depending on which version of Outlook you're using. Here are the steps for syncing in Outlook 2023:

  1. Open Outlook and click the "File" tab in the top left corner.
  2. Select "Account Settings" and then "Account Settings" again from the drop-down menu.
  3. In the "Account Settings" window, select the email address associated with your Google Calendar.
  4. Click the "Change" button and then select "More Settings."
  5. In the "Internet E-mail Settings" window, select the "Advanced" tab.
  6. Under "Use the following type of encrypted connection," select "None."
  7. Under "Outgoing server (SMTP)," enter ""
  8. Under "Incoming server (IMAP)," enter ""
  9. Enter your full email address as the user name and your Google account password.
  10. Click "Next" and then "Finish."

Question and Answer

Q: Can I sync multiple Google Calendars with Outlook?

A: Yes, you can sync multiple Google Calendars with Outlook by repeating the steps above for each calendar.

Q: Will syncing my calendars delete any events?

A: No, syncing your calendars will not delete any events. However, if you make changes to an event in one calendar, those changes may not immediately appear in the other calendar.

Q: What if I don't use Outlook?

A: There are other tools available for syncing Google Calendar with other calendar applications. Check with the software provider for instructions on how to sync your calendars.


Syncing Outlook and Google Calendar can save you time and ensure that you never miss an important appointment or meeting. Follow the steps above to sync your calendars in Outlook 2023 and enjoy the benefits of a synced schedule!

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