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How To Transfer Google Calendar To Another Account

Written by Ben Javu Sep 27, 2022 · 2 min read
How To Transfer Google Calendar To Another Account

Google Calendar is a great tool for managing your schedule. But what if you need to transfer your calendar to another account? Whether you're changing jobs or just want to share your schedule with a different email address, transferring your Google Calendar is easy.

Table of Contents

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How to Transfer Google Calendar to Another Account - 2023

Google Calendar is a great tool for managing your schedule. But what if you need to transfer your calendar to another account? Whether you're changing jobs or just want to share your schedule with a different email address, transferring your Google Calendar is easy.

Step 1: Export Your Calendar

The first step in transferring your Google Calendar is to export it. To do this, go to your Google Calendar and click on the three dots next to the calendar you want to transfer. Click on "Settings and sharing" and then scroll down to "Export calendar." Choose the date range you want to export and select the file format (we recommend using the .ics format). Click "Export" and save the file to your computer.

Step 2: Import Your Calendar

Next, you'll need to import your calendar into the new account. Go to the Google Calendar for the new account and click on the three dots next to "Add calendar." Select "Import" and choose the file you just exported. Click "Import" and your calendar will be transferred to the new account.

Step 3: Share Your Calendar (Optional)

If you want to share your calendar with others, you can do so by going to the "Settings and sharing" section of your Google Calendar. Click on "Add people" and enter the email addresses of the people you want to share your calendar with. Choose the level of access you want to give them (e.g. "make changes and manage sharing") and click "Send." The people you invited will receive an email invitation to view your calendar.

Question and Answer

Q: Can I transfer multiple calendars at once?

A: Yes, you can export and import multiple calendars at once. Just repeat the process for each calendar you want to transfer.

Q: Will my events and reminders transfer with my calendar?

A: Yes, all of your events and reminders will transfer with your calendar.


Transferring your Google Calendar to another account is a simple process that can be completed in just a few steps. By exporting and importing your calendar, you can easily share your schedule with others or transfer it to a new email address. So if you need to move your calendar to a different account, don't worry – it's easy to do!

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