2020 And 2021 School Calendar Miami Dade from www.narodnatribuna.info
Miami Dade County Public Schools (MDCPS) is the fourth-largest school district in the US, serving over 350,000 students. The district operates over 400 schools and centers. As a student or parent, it’s important to have access to the Miami Dade Schools Calendar for the academic year 2024-2025.
When is the first day of school?
The first day of school for the 2024-2025 academic year is August 19, 2024. This is a Monday, and students are expected to report to their respective schools by 8:30 am.
When are the holidays?
The academic year has several holidays, including Labor Day (September 2, 2024), Thanksgiving break (November 25-29, 2024), Winter break (December 23, 2024 - January 6, 2025), and Spring break (March 24-28, 2025).
What are the important dates to remember?
Apart from holidays, there are several important dates to keep in mind. The end of the first semester is January 17, 2025, with the second semester starting on January 20. The last day of school is June 5, 2025. Additionally, there are several early release days throughout the year, including October 16, November 6, and February 5.
What are some tips for parents?
As a parent, it’s important to keep track of important dates and events throughout the academic year. Be sure to mark your calendar with the first day of school, holidays, and early release days. Additionally, make sure to attend parent-teacher conferences and stay involved in your child’s education.
In conclusion, the Miami Dade Schools Calendar for the 2024-2025 academic year is an important resource for students, parents, and faculty. By staying informed of important dates and events, you can ensure a successful academic year. Don’t forget to mark your calendar and stay involved in your child’s education.